Here’s the thing - whatever you are desiring in your life:
a thriving business, career success, money, a soulmate partner, your dream home…
Self-love is your manifestation superpower. Worthiness is your abundance attractor.
This is when the magic happens: when you are confident and secure in who you are, you know that you’re already enough. You become a magnet for your desires, because you deeply know, believe and feel that you are worthy of them.

It’s my mission
to help women fall more deeply in love with themselves so that they can live their soul’s calling and step into their truest, most radiant essence in life, love, work and beyond.

I’m Sabi Kerr, a self-love coach passionate about helping people love who they truly are, so that they can thrive in every area of their lives.
I also love supporting entrepreneurs, creatives and visionaries to accelerate to the next level of their leadership by owning all of who they are and embracing their multi-faceted gifts more fully.
I combine tools from my expertise as a transformational coach, sexuality & relationships coach, business & leadership mentor, public speaker, meditation guide, yoga, dance & movement teacher, to bring a holistic approach to self-love, female empowerment and business leadership.

I’m a forever student and believe that learning new things is the key to keeping life fresh.
Here are just some of the trainings that inform my work in some way:
→ Diploma in Transformational Coaching - Animas Centre for Coaching
→ VITA Love, Sex & Relationship Coaching Certification - The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
→ VITA Female Sexuality Coaching Certification - The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
→ VITA Conscious Dating Coaching Certification - The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
→ 200 hour yoga teacher training (ashtanga & vinyasa flow) - Sampoorna Yoga India
→ 300 hour yoga teacher training (100 hours yin yoga, 100 hours rocket yoga & 100 hours in tripsichore & yogic arts) - The Yoga People
→ 50 hour Yoga Philosophy teacher training with Sudhir Rishi
→ 40 hour Pranayama teacher training with Sudhir Rishi
→ 40 hour Meditation teacher training with Sudhir Rishi
→ 20 hour Mandala Vinyasa teacher training with The Yoga People
→ 50 hour postgraduate yoga teacher training with Michael James Wong & Emily-Claire Hill
→ Dance teacher certifications with International Dance Teachers’ Association
→ Level 1 & 2 authentic relating training with ART International
My more formal education includes:
→ BSc in Economics - University College London
→ PGCE Primary Education - Institute of Education

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been exploring my place in this world.

Being a multi-passionate person with lots of interests, I’ve tried many things on my journey to finding what lights me up.
I decided a long time ago to let go of the societal story that says you should ‘find one thing you’re good at and stick to it’, and instead went on a colourful journey of following my curiosity. I knew that I had something to give the world and a message to share with people, I just wasn't sure what that was.
I wanted to find out, and so I explored all the different sides of me.
My creative side fell in love with dance as a child, and later explored the professional dance world, trained to be a dance teacher and performed and taught all over London.
My academic side (I was always a straight A student) studied economics at university, and had a brief stint working in management consulting for one of the big 4 professional services firms.
The part of me that wanted to help others and give back trained to be a primary school teacher and taught in London schools.
The entrepreneurial side wanted to use my creative passion and set up a dance events company, providing services for events and parties all over the UK. It had me teaching wedding dance lessons and hosting dance parties for children’s birthdays and hen parties, and eventually having other teachers work for me too.
That was all before the age of 27/28.
I rejected the idea that I had to choose one thing and stick to it and decided to live a life a little out of the box.

My life philosophies
Let go of the pressure of having to find your one passion and purpose… instead follow your curiosity and what sparks your interest in this moment, and that unravelling will naturally lead to your purpose.
I’d rather try and it not work out, than spend a lifetime wondering “what if?”
Let go of the idea that stopping something means it has failed… and instead learn to see endings as beautiful successes because you made the empowered decision to say “no more thanks”, when it no longer felt right for you.

While I found it easy to do that with work, it had been a struggle for me to apply that third philosophy to my relationship up until that point.
I was 11 years into my first relationship, and things were falling apart massively.
Cue many painful revelations and a big break up which became the catalyst for my spiritual awakening.
The moment where you go, “Oh shit, my intuition… I’ve been ignoring you this whole time.”
Around the same time as this break up, I flew to India to do my first 200 hour yoga teacher training.
The pain I experienced at the end of that relationship was harder than anything I’d ever been through, and combined with the yoga philosophy I learnt in India, it fuelled my personal growth like never before.

I realised that I had spent so long exploring the career stuff, the external… and not enough time exploring my inner landscape.
I was ready to transmute that pain into power and welcome in Sabi 2.0

The inner work started on all the things.
Deep forgiveness and letting go.
Relationship healing.
Seeing all the ways I’d abandoned myself for another.
A return to self-love.
Deep feminine awakening (I realised that hey, that sexy AF me had been there that whole time and she really wanted to express herself!)
The self-love, growth and healing that I experienced brought me back home to myself like I could have never imagined.
everything had changed, and yet I felt more like me than ever before

My life philosophy number 4:
You have the choice, at any moment, to turn your deepest pain into your greatest power. What are you choosing?

The years that followed that first yoga teacher training had me teaching yoga all over London, doing many other trainings including my first coaching certification, moving to Bali, teaching more yoga there, running regular workshops, honing my skills facilitating transformational experiences, and building my coaching business.
And here we are.
I’m deeply grateful that I’ve been able to combine all my multi-passionate skills, trainings and personal growth into a business that helps thousands of women all over the world to love themselves more deeply and embody their most radiant life.

Just for fun, here are a few moments from my winding journey…
“Graduated from my Economics degree.”
“Had fun at one of my first proper photoshoots. I gave myself a year out to dance, audition and get my dance teaching certifications before changing directions again and working in management consulting.
“After leaving consulting and training to be a primary school teacher I taught in this classroom for 2 years, and then worked all over London as a substitute teacher to give myself more time to focus on my dance events business. Those kids taught me more about life than any adult ever had!”
“Spent my weekends working on my dance events business, teaching wedding dance lessons, hosting hen parties, and on this occasion, dressing up and dancing with kids on a boat!”
“Completed my first yoga teacher training in India. The months that followed shifted A LOT in me. I soon was teaching yoga all over London in studios, at events and festivals, and the next year I taught on my first retreat.”
“Got my first front cover feature ;) I also completed my coaching certification, got my first 1:1 coaching clients, and then decided to move to Bali when my partner at the time asked me if I’d like to. Not one to say no to a fun adventure…”
“Lived in Bali, taught lots of yoga and led many transformational workshops, continued to build my coaching biz and enjoyed a lot of coconuts ;)”
“Came back to London at the beginning of the pandemic and knew it was time to turn up the heat on my mission. I’d only been scratching the surface of what I had to offer the world, and this year was a GAME CHANGER for shifting things massively in my business. I got locked in to my calling: thousands of women worldwide loving themselves deeply and living their most radiant life.”
And so it is!
I’m committed to embracing my natural evolution, so my coaching business continues to shift and grow over the years as I do…